Journey Through the Scriptures
Digital Painting (Limited Reproduction, Canvas with Frame)
57 × 80cm
After the death of Jesus, two disciples were on the road to Emmaus. One of them was Cleopas although the other one was not mentioned by name. However we read from John 19:25 that Cleopas had a wife named Mary, so it seems likely that Mary was that unnamed disciple. A stranger joined them along the way, and they discussed the things that had just happened to Jesus. Little did they know that the stranger who talked to them was the resurrected Jesus Himself (their eyes were restrained from recognising Him), who explained to them that the things that happened were the fulfilment of what the prophets have spoken. Then, beginning at Moses and the prophets, He expounded to them all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. The journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus was about seven miles and took roughly three hours, so that was quite a lot of teaching that Jesus did along the way.
Digital Painting (Limited Reproduction, Canvas with Frame)
57 × 80cm
After the death of Jesus, two disciples were on the road to Emmaus. One of them was Cleopas although the other one was not mentioned by name. However we read from John 19:25 that Cleopas had a wife named Mary, so it seems likely that Mary was that unnamed disciple. A stranger joined them along the way, and they discussed the things that had just happened to Jesus. Little did they know that the stranger who talked to them was the resurrected Jesus Himself (their eyes were restrained from recognising Him), who explained to them that the things that happened were the fulfilment of what the prophets have spoken. Then, beginning at Moses and the prophets, He expounded to them all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. The journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus was about seven miles and took roughly three hours, so that was quite a lot of teaching that Jesus did along the way.
Digital Painting (Limited Reproduction, Canvas with Frame)
57 × 80cm
After the death of Jesus, two disciples were on the road to Emmaus. One of them was Cleopas although the other one was not mentioned by name. However we read from John 19:25 that Cleopas had a wife named Mary, so it seems likely that Mary was that unnamed disciple. A stranger joined them along the way, and they discussed the things that had just happened to Jesus. Little did they know that the stranger who talked to them was the resurrected Jesus Himself (their eyes were restrained from recognising Him), who explained to them that the things that happened were the fulfilment of what the prophets have spoken. Then, beginning at Moses and the prophets, He expounded to them all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. The journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus was about seven miles and took roughly three hours, so that was quite a lot of teaching that Jesus did along the way.