The Way Home
We are all journeying home. Sometimes, we feel comfortable and are tempted to settle down along the way. If we have tasted joy and blessings on our journey, it is God’s refreshment for our journey, not a stop to our sojourning.
Sometimes, we feel thirsty and we see dead trees and dry bones all around. Do not be discouraged. They are placed on our way to make us desire Living Water more than ever.
God is riding beside us as we journey home. He never leaves us alone. Every oasis, desert, meadow and stream is placed by God for us to enjoy life with Him.
This world is not my home
I'm just passing through
My treasures are laid up
Somewhere beyond the blue
The Angels beckon me
From Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home
In this world anymore
Dear Heavenly Father, You are always with me. You ride with me through the dry desert and through the meadow. You never leave me. Every landmark you place in my journey is a lesson and a blessing to me. I look forward to reaching home, where the trees are lucious, where fruits are abundant and where I may watch an eternal sunrise with You. Amen.