Consider The Butterfly
Consider the butterfly, how it illustrates a spiritual emancipation from being a crawling caterpillar. A caterpillar only has an earthly worldview. But a butterfly has a heavenly view. A caterpillar only eats bitter leaves. But a butterfly eats the sweetest honey.
This is what being born again is like. When we are in Christ, we no longer wallow in our dirty sin, but flutter in the heavens. We no longer gorge on bitter sins but enjoy the sweetness of God, just like honey out of a rock.
Do we need a transformation? Perhaps we need to take time to be cocooned, hidden with Christ. And in the secret place with God, He will give us colourful wings that everyone will be amazed and praise God.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Dear Heavenly Father, You transform lives. You make us new. We were once dead in our sin, but You saved us and made us beautiful. As we hide in You, please make us more beautiful so that everyone will see Christ in us and give glory to You. Amen.