Room 7


The series of paintings in Room 7 is specially curated by Sound of Art for Kampung Siglap, serving as a reminder to rest, and restore your soul and relationships. Share with us how you feel when you step inside this space & what inspires you when viewing each artwork in the comment section below!

REST: Many Sparrows (2020) by Swasti Wonowidjojo

“Who of you by worrying, can add a single hour to his life?” reads an ancient proverb. In this painting, we see five sparrows, each looking unhurried and content. They are not worried about their next meal and take each day as it comes. God provides for them.

In life, there are many things we could worry about. Worry, however, robs us of our rest. During your retreat at Kampung Siglap, take the time to not only rest your body but to also find rest for your soul.

RESTORE: Set Your Sights on Above (2020) by Erica Wee

What do you see in the lion’s gaze? In painting this monochromatic profile of a lion, the artist encourages us to set our sights on above: To consider the good, beautiful and noble things; to reject what is evil, selfish and burdensome. Gazing upwards helps us see beyond ourselves and to adopt a bigger perspective that transcends life’s challenges.

Most importantly, it restores us to become who we were created to be: People with a deep love for life, for others and for the common good.

RELATIONSHIP: Assurance (2022) by Byambajargal

As we walk through life, there are times when we face trouble and heartache. We are like the horseman in the painting, travelling on a long and unpredictable journey.

Yet, in the midst of that, the horseman finds assurance in a familiar sight - a cluster of gers (Mongolian tents) in the distance. A sight that promises shelter, food and drink. There is no need to worry now, for he will be shown kindness and hospitality by his hosts.

Even as you spend time in retreat at Kampung Siglap, take time to think about the ones who matter and how you can reach out to them.